An Rabharta Glas - Green Left believes that housing is a human right. Currently housing policy is aimed at increasing returns on housing as a financialised asset. It is possible for the state and state policy to provide warm, well-designed, low-carbon and culturally appropriate homes for everyone: the way that housing is comodified prevents this from being done. Nobody is being well-served by this state of affairs.
In response to the Housing for All document produced by the Irish Government, we have provided a programmatic confirmation of our position on Housing.
In this document we outline a series of measures that the state can engage in to end the housing crisis in five years. This is not an unrealistic or unreasonable thing to demand given the seriousness of this seemingly intractable issue. We provide analysis on how the crisis came about in the first instance and detail specific proposals.
- A Public housing programme
- Housing cooperatives and alternative tenures
- Sales-price controls
- Rent controls