Our Vision
Learn more about our vision for an eco-socialist Ireland.

After a century of independence the Irish government has failed on its promise of a fair society. People work longer and harder just to keep a roof over their heads while we hurtle towards a climate catastrophe which will do irreversible damage to our world.
We deserve better and so do our children.
An Rabharta Glas - Green Left is a political organisation which has grown from the widespread realisation that our current political and economic systems are not capable of building the better, fairer future we all need and, in fact, will only drive further inequality and environmental destruction. It's easy to feel powerless against these systems which dominate our lives, but they were created by people and with enough courage and compassion they can be changed by people.
Real change can't mean gradual, half-measures and it can't just be a slogan. It means dismantling the hierarchies and power structures which maintain inequality and replacing them with robust, genuine democracies which empower people and communities. It requires a decisive shift in our values to firmly place society's well-being over that of the financial markets. It means wealth redistribution and freeing people from soaring rents and debts. It involves forming alliances across the economic and societal barriers, uniting and energising a coalition of people of all backgrounds, income levels, and identities to fight for freedom and equality for all.
We believe that everybody, regardless of their situation, should have a warm affordable home and free world-class healthcare and education. We believe that inclusive, well organised communities are the key to making great places to live. We can create clean energy, jobs, and food while supporting the needs and fulfillment of all people. We can restore our environment and reduce emissions while revitalising rural areas. This is no pipe dream, it can be achieved if we engage enough people with a comprehensive political programme to channel that collective energy towards the sea-change that will improve the lives of millions of people.
The climate emergency means the coming years could bring extreme weather events and food shortages right to our doorsteps. This, coupled with the rise of divisive politics means that now, more than ever, we need to build resilient communities grounded in humanity, co-operation and appreciation of the natural world.
We are under no illusion as to the enormity of the challenge but we are determined to play our part. An Rabharta Glas - Green Left wants to help engage
and support people to bring positive improvements to their lives and start creating an inclusive, vibrant, empowered society that is good enough to hand over to our children.
If you want this too then join us today and let's get to work!